DVDs & Downloads of 2011 conference
See library of online talks here. Purchase high quality DVD's/Downloads of 2009 and 2008 and
2010 and South Africa
Maya Temples: Time, Astronomy & Spiritual Teachings
John Major Jenkins is an independent researcher who has devoted himself to reconstructing ancient Mayan cosmology and philosophy. Since 1986, John has traveled to Mexico and Central America over twenty times. Living and working with Maya groups while studying ancient Maya cosmology. John has authored hundreds of articles and many books, including Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, Galactic Alignment and The 2012 Story. His latest research explores the astronomical content of the now-famous Tortuguero Monument 6, our only Classic Period 2012 inscription. His talk at Megalithomania gave an insightful overview of the early Mayan pyramids and temples, exploring evidence that back up his discoveries which have led to a breakthrough into understanding the scientific and spiritual principles at the core of Mayan mythology. He also looked at the ancient Olmecs, that pre-dated the Mayans and how the famous Long Count calendar that ends on December 21st 2012 could have originally been developed. www.johnmajorjenkins.com
John M. Jenkins DVD £8.99. PAL Format. 67 mins |
Video Download: Lecture - MP4 £3.99 - 67min ![]() |
Audio Download: Lecture - MP3 £2.49 - 67min |
The 2012 Story (filmed on Monday 16th May)
The untold story of the incredible sequence of events, discoveries and insights that has unlocked the secret of the Mayan calendar end-date of 2012, from one of the worlds leading scholars on the subject.
John M. Jenkins DVD £8.99. PAL Format. 95 mins |
Video Download: Lecture - MP4 £4.99 - 95min ![]() |
Audio Download: Lecture - MP3 £2.99 - 95min |
Egyptian Dawn & Megalithic Sites in Northern Africa
Professor Robert Temple is the author of 13 books, including The Sirius Mystery, Oracles of the Dead, The Crystal Sun, The Sphinx Mystery and The Genius of China. He and his wife, Olivia, also translated Aesop: The Complete Fables and his most recent book is Egyptian Dawn. They live in England and Robert appeared at Megalithomania 2007 and 2009 (with Olivia), when he spoke about his research into ancient crystal lenses and his breakthroughs around the great Sphinx of Egypt. At Megalithomania 2011 he spoke about his new research into the secret chambers withing the Giza plateau, plus the largest stone circle in the world in Morocco. He also took us on a tour across northern Africa looking at the diffusion of Megalithic culture and the implications this may have on how we look at the development of megalithic sites and construction techniques. www.robert-temple.com
Pyramids of Bosnia and Europe
In 2005, Semir discovered the first pyramids in Europe near the town of Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina. In 2008, Dr. Osmanagich hosted a archaeological conference in Sarajavo which fueled controversy about his discovery dividing the archaeological community. Excavation on the vast complex has been ongoing since 2006 compiling more and more evidence to validate his claims. To date the excavation has yielded 5 pyramids of various sizes as well as a vast labyrinth of underground tunnels and a pyramid that is 30% larger than the Great Pyramid at Giza. He holds a PhD in Mayan studies and spoke at Megalithomania 2008 when he caused a sensation. At Megalithomania 2011 he updated his research about Bosnia looking at archaeoastronomy, earth energies, dating methods and numerous other disciplines that are proving to the world that this is one of the most important archaeological discoveries in recent times. www.semirosmanagic.com
Semir Osmanagich + Interview: £9.99. PAL Format. 69min + 22min |
Video Download: Lecture +Interview MP4 £4.99 - 69min + 22min ![]() |
Audio Download: Lecture+Interview MP3 £2.99 - 69min + 22min |
Thornborough Henge: Before the Pyramids
Alan Butler qualified as an engineer, but was always fascinated by history and made himself into something of an expert in ancient astronomy and calendar systems. Since 1990 he has been researching ancient cultures, pagan beliefs and comparative religion and has published several successful books in his own right on topics such as Goddess survival, the Knights Templar, the Grail legends and even one book specifically about the history of Sheep! Working with Chris Knight Alan has contributed to Civilization One, Who Built the Moon, The Hiram Key Revisited and most recently Before the Pyramids. Alan admits that his interest in history is a near-obsession and he continues to broaden the scope of his research. He is also a musician, a playwright and a lover of comedy. At Megalithomania 2011 he discussed his incredible discoveries about ancient measure and its relationship to Thornborough Henge in Yorkshire, Orion, Giza and even Washington DC.
Alan Butler DVD + Interview: £8.99. PAL Format. 56min + 14min |
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Matriarchal Societies in Prehistory
Dr. Carmen Boulter is a Professor at the University of Calgary in Canada. She teaches in the Graduate Division of Educational Research in the Faculty of Education. She has been researching and writing about the sacred feminine in ancient Egypt and goddesses around the world for 2 decades. Her book, Angels and Archetypes: An Evolutionary Map of Feminine Consciousness, traces fragments of information about matriarchal cultures in pre-dynastic Egypt, prehistoric Greece, and around the world. She is also producer & Director of The Pyramid Code TV series that has given the world a new view on how we should look at pre-dynastic Egypt. Via the internet at Megalithomania 2011, Carmen shared her insights into matriarchal societies in ancient Egypt and other cultures, giving a detailed analysis of the power of the feminine and how this was crushed by the patriarchy. www.pyramidcode.com
Carmen Boulter DVD: £7.99. PAL Format. 43mins |
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West Kennet Long Barrow: Landscape, Shamans & the Cosmos + INTERVIEW
Peter Knight is the author of seven books about sacred sites, dowsing and sacred landscapes, and is an international speaker, dowser, shamanic facilitator, and sacred sites guide. His books delve into the hidden aspects of sites, as he tries to unravel their meanings in a ‘holistic’ approach. He also advocates how sacred sites can be accessed today to procur earth healing and personal transformation. His informative website can be found at www.stoneseeker.net. He spoke about his research into this incredible ancient site from many different angles and how it linked to his discoveries in The Wessex Astrum. He first spoke at Megalithomania in 2007. Find the full article on The West Kennet Long Barrow by Peter Knight here
Hugh Newman
Megaliths of East Anglia
Hugh explored the megalithic sites, earthworks & leys in East Anglia from his forthcoming book 'The Wandlebury Enigma', also looking at the Nuthampstead landscape zodiac, the 'Loxodrome' and numerous newly discovered alignments.
Hugh Newman is an earth mysteries and esoteric science researcher. He organises the Megalithomania Conferences, co-edits Avalon Rising magazine and coordinates talks, films and workshops at numerous festivals. He has researched the Indigo child phenomenon and published a book on the subject. His most recent book, Earth Grids - The Secret Patterns of Gaia's Sacred Sites, has been published by Wooden Books. He is an honorary member of The Antiquarian Society and has spoken at conferences in the UK, Malta, France, Peru and North America. He is currently writing a book about the Wandlebury complex near Cambridge. He lives in an extremely megalithic area on the Essex/Suffolk border and explores his local landscape on a regular basis. See his full profile, other DVDs and interviews here
Hugh Newman DVD: £8.99. PAL Format. 63min |
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Megaliths, Shamen & the City Builders
Lucy opened up the debate about the true nature of who the Shamens really were, suggesting that megalithic cultures were inspired by their techniques and that even Pharoah's were Shamans. She also looked at the farming methods of the ancients and explored how a prehistoric archetype still exists in modern esoteric circles.
Lucy Wyatt and family live on a small Suffolk farm that was still derelict in 2000. It was a rare chance to explore living in harmony with Nature. Lucy is interested in Earth energies and for over 10 years has led local Gatekeeper Trust pilgrimages on equinoxes and solstices. In January 2010, O Books published her first book, Approaching Chaos - could an ancient archetype save C21st civilisation? www.approachingchaos.co.uk
Lucy Wyatt DVD: £8.99. PAL Format. 52min |
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Little-Known Stones Around the WorLD + Interview
Andy Burnham agreed to celebrate 10 years of 'The Megalithic Portal' by doing a talk on obscure megaliths from around the world in places you would least expect to find them. From the plains of Korea to the deserts of Africa, Andys massive website is the ultimate database for enthusiastic megalithomaniacs, or what Andy calls them 'Megaraks' to meet and discuss these incredible monuments of antiquity.
Andy founded ‘The Megalithic Portal’ 10 years ago and has been at the forefront of the internet stone hunting community since its inception. He coined the term ‘megarak’ to describe those with a similar ‘unhealthy’ interest and celebrates 10 years of his awesome website at Megalithomania 2011. He appeared at the first ever Megalithomania in 2006 and is a Chartered Electronics Engineer by trade. www.megalithic.co.uk
Megalithic Secrets of Carnac, Brittany
Howard Crowhurst was born in North Wales. He has been living in Brittany since 1986 and has become one of the leading experts on the megaithic monuments of the Carnac area. From 1990 to 2004, he was vice president of the Association Archéologique Kergal and as such he took part in the french TV documentary, Carnac. In 2006, he launched the Summer Solstice in Plouharnel event with the Plouharnel Tourist Office. He founded the ACEM-Association for the Knowledge and Study of Megaliths, whose aim (amongst other things) is to create a 3D computer model of the Carnac megalithic complex. He appeared at Megalithomania in 2009 when he introduced his incredible research on geometry and metrology to the world. His new book is called Carnac: The Alignments.
Howard Crowhurst DVD + Interview: £8.99. PAL Format. 66min + 26min |
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Hosted by John Martineau and Hugh Newman
With Robert Temple, Semir Sam Osmanagich, Alan Butler, John Major Jenkins, Lucy Wyatt, Peter Knight & Howard Crowhurst.
DVD only Available in the Box-Set or as a video or audio download below.
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See library of online talks here. Purchase high quality DVD's/Downloads of 2009 and 2008 and 2010 and South Africa